
16 11, 2017

Mediterranean Kidney Society (MKS)


It is our great pleasure that we extend a warm and cordial invitation to all of you to the 4th Congress of Mediterranean Kidney Society (MKS), which will be held from 20th to 22nd of April, 2018 in Mostar, the historical city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As in the previous MKS Congresses spanning ten years with huge success, it is with great excitement that we join Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and MKS in a scientific meeting composed of invited lectures as well as oral and poster presentations with topics of interest for every participant in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation.

27 10, 2017

Zaključci sa XIII BANTAO Kongresa


U Sarajevu je od 04-08.10.2017. godine održan XIII BANTAO kongres uključivši i CME kurs „Chronic kidney diseases and kidney transplantation in the developing countries of South-Eastern Europe“. Kongres je obuhvatio najaktuelnije teme iz oblasti nefrologije, hipertenzije, dijalize i transplantacije bubrega. Bilo je prijavljeno 400 učesnika, a na CME kurs 104 slušaoca.