Crack the MCQ Webinar
Greetings from the World Kidney Academy. We are thrilled to extend this exclusive [...]
Greetings from the World Kidney Academy. We are thrilled to extend this exclusive [...]
Ovogodišnji kongres NefroBiH jasno je pokazao da Bosna i Hercegovina posjeduje stručnost, predanost te veliki potencijal za daljnji razvoj u području nefrologije. Kroz intenzivne radionice, predavanja i diskusije, mladi budući doktori stekli su nepro...
Poštovane kolege, dragi prijatelji, veliko nam je zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na 9. hrvatski simpozij [...]
Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is my pleasure and honour to invite and [...]
Held at Semmelweis University with a highly distinguished international faculty, the Budapest Nephrology School is one of the most well-known refresher courses in the field of nephrology. It attracted many young physicians from Eu...